1.2.4 released with 1.2.0_01 support

A hurried release, but should be a working one. It includes a few fixes, and I’m hoping I didn’t break anything.


  • Updated MCPatcher to 1.1.1 supporting Minecraft 1.2.0_01
  • Better handling of corrupt mod packages created by versions older than 1.2.2, but you won’t be able to delete them if you try to edit them beforehand. Workaround: restart Minecrafter and delete the package.
  • Horizontal scroll on Select base folder
  • Better crash management – for veterans, this doesn’t affect you, but for new users, this should prevent you from stuffing up your Minecraft folder now if you launched multiple times without proper termination.
  • Catch all exceptions that could occur if  a zip causes an issue.

NOTE: No export package release. This feature seems to be very underutilized so I didn’t bother to update it (it also takes much longer to package up than Minecrafter itself).


32-bit or 64-bit


32-bit or 64-bit


32-bit or 64-bit


Some actual work done

Launch failure improvement

I’ve reworked the code so launching is a lot more foolproof. Now, if you launch Minecraft, cancel, then launch again, Minecrafter won’t stuff up your bin folder. Any existing threads waiting for Minecraft to close are interrupted and won’t try to clean up for itself, meaning it won’t ruin the current launch thread.

Flexible startup

You can now specify a custom Minecraft directory if Minecrafter can’t find Minecraft in the default location. For more advanced users, you can now specify a custom Minecrafter directory, meaning Minecrafter should be completely portable.

Those were my two major features for the next version. I’ll keep this dev version in incubation for a bit longer while I test them a bit more, and try to introduce more safeguards from a Minecraft black screen. I don’t there is anything more I can do to mitigate the black screen, but it doesn’t hurt to sit down and think of possible solutions.

Will get to a new version soon

Although fairly stable for me, I know quite a few of you are having problems with Minecrafter. A lot of them not relating to Minecrafter itself (i.e. black screen due to incompatible mods), but still a significant amount of legitimate problems which made me think of new ways of improving stability.

Right now I’m not doing any Minecrafter development, as I’m focusing on developing a texture pack customizer. Once that’s done, I’ll focus on some key stability improvements, and try to fix common crash manager failures. While I’m here, feel free to suggest any cool features or fixes you’d like me to get to.  Remember, nothing too major.

It’s hard to work when it’s so damn hot. I live in NZ and right now it’s the summer season so it really is difficult maintaining focus in puddles of sweat. I work better in the cold…