1.2.4 source code released

Unfortunately my large workload and haxball addiction has caused me to neglect Minecrafter. It never really reached the level of ease I wanted, but rather than let it die, I’m releasing the source code for someone to pick up and hopefully improve it by leaps and bounds.

Warning: There are no unit tests and a lot of business logic and view code mixed together! Programmer beware!

Download links:



Unfortunately for you, I’ve only packaged the source. You’ll still need to link up the various libraries and projects required to build the program. Here are a list of libaries you’ll need:

Once you have the libraries plugged in, you’ll need to get the MCPatcher project running as well. You’ll need to modify the code to allow MCPatcher to act as a library. Replace MinecraftPatcher.java with the copy inside the Minecrafter source folder. You can remove the RARTexturePack classes from MCPatcher, as we use our own implementation. You might need to fix a few errors that show up when replacing MinecraftPatcher.java, but they’re simple to do.

That’s it!